Browsing the archives for the Advocacy category
Browsing the archives for the Advocacy category
Thanks to our wonderful supporters and donors, the YWCA Santa Monica / Westside’s Housing and Education Program operates completely on private donations. As such, our transitional housing program for former foster youth is not in jeopardy of closing due to proposed budget cuts to the State’s THP-Plus program. However, nearly 1,400 youth served by THP-Plus […]
Governor Schwarzenegger’s proposal to eliminate THP-Plus received important news coverage January 29 on San Diego NBC news affiliate, Channel 10. The piece features the incredible story of Suamhirs Rivera, who was kidnapped from his native Honduras and forced to be a child prostitute in United States. Sumanhirs was placed into foster care after a police […]
Welcome to the YWCA Santa Monica / Westside Transitional Housing and Education Program Advocacy Blog where we will keep you up to date on policy and other legislative issues that affect transitional housing populations. Your posts and comments are welcome!